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Get started with an exciting Kubernetes "Service Mesh" - revised for 2021

The course is around 12 hours, with lots of hands on demos.

  • Fully revised and updated for Istio 1.8 onwards (2021)
  • This course aims to make Istio understandable, and will demonstrate the massive benefits a service mesh can bring to a live Kubernetes cluster.
  • Run Istio locally and try out its features using Minikube. Traffic Management, Telemetry, Distributed Tracing, Security and Fault Tolerance are all explained in detail.
  • Learn how to upgrade a live Istio cluster
Prior experience with Kubernetes is assumed. The course uses Minikube, but you will need sufficient RAM to be able to allocate 4Gb (eg 8Gb Host RAM should be sufficient).


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Course Introduction

Introduction 3m 39s Watch

Getting Started

What is Istio 20m 1s Watch

Hands on Demo

Getting Istio Running 18m 12s Watch
Enabling Sidecar Injection 5m 13s Watch
Visualizing the System with Kiali 15m 55s Watch
Finding Performance Problems 14m 15s Watch

Introducing Envoy

Introducing Envoy 12m 1s Watch
Going Deeper into Envoy 23m 3s Watch


Starting the Demo System 14m 1s Watch
Kiali Deeper Dive 21m 59s Watch
Kiali Dynamic Traffic Routing 12m 31s Watch
Distributed Tracing Overview 13m 55s Watch
Using JaegerUI 17m 24s Watch
Why you need to Propagate Headers 20m 31s Watch
What happens if you don't propagate headers 7m 35s Watch
Metrics with Grafana 14m 56s Watch

Traffic Management

Introducing Canaries 9m 40s Watch
Canaries with Replicas 10m 15s Watch
Version Grouping 7m 24s Watch
Elegant Canaries and Staged Releases 11m 6s Watch
What is an Istio VirtualService 19m 9s Watch
VirtualService Configuration in yaml 12m 23s Watch
What is an Istio DestinationRule 15m 52s Watch

Load Balancing

Session Affinity - Stickiness 17m 0s Watch
Consistent Hashing 21m 41s Watch


Why use an Ingress Gateway 21m 25s Watch
Edge Proxies and Gateways 25m 22s Watch
Prefix based routing 14m 40s Watch
Subdomain Routing 11m 42s Watch

Dark Releases

Header Based Routing 10m 44s Watch
Dark Releases for all Microservices 27m 17s Watch

Fault Injection

Fault Injection 19m 29s Watch

Circuit Breaking

Cascading Failures 24m 37s Watch
Configuring Outlier Detection 23m 9s Watch
Testing Circuit Breakers 11m 45s Watch

Mutual TLS

Why encryption is desirable inside a cluster 18m 7s Watch
How Istio can upgrade traffic to TLS 7m 33s Watch
Enabling mTLS Policies 3m 28s Watch
STRICT vs PERMISSIVE 19m 40s Watch
STRICT mTLS Works in Both Directions 1m 23s Watch

Customising Istio

Introducing istioctl 11m 19s Watch
Istio Profiles 9m 32s Watch
Installing addons 5m 44s Watch
Tuning Profiles 16m 59s Watch
Enabling Third Party Tokens on Kops 7m 10s Watch
Default vs Demo Profiles - CPU and Memory 16m 0s Watch
Generating YAML Manifests 9m 2s Watch

Upgrading Istio

In-place Upgrades 28m 5s Watch
Canary Upgrades 24m 19s Watch
Live Cluster Switchover Upgrades 9m 24s Watch


Goodbye 3m 41s Watch
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