Docker for Java Developers

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Docker for Java Developers

Module 1 - Getting Started

Equivalent to three days of live training

  • A quick "getting started" guide for all JVM based developers.
  • What is Docker?
  • Deploying Containers
  • Building your own Images
  • Deploying Tomcat and Spring Boot Containers
  • Publishing to DockerHub
  • A follow-on module, covering production scale docker deployment, goes into more detail - check out module 2!
Suitable for anyone with previous experience of Java Web Development or Spring/Spring Boot.


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Introduction 3m 11s

An overview of the course.


What is Docker? 16m 5s

Details of what Docker is, and what it can do for you!


Installing Docker 17m 8s

Because Docker relies on a Linux Kernel, installing can be tricky. We'll guide you through it.


A Deployment Scenario 23m 7s

Rather than plodding through hundreds of Docker commands, we run through a scenario that you might find yourself in - you'll be deploying a full Java Web app without worrying about nasty details such as environment variables!


Managing Images 40m 30s

An introduction to DockerHub, and how to do day-to-day work with images.


Dockerfiles and Building Images 34m 14s

At last, we build our own image - using a Dockerfile. We setup a JDK based image, running a small Java service.


Deploying Tomcat and WARs 33m 11s

How to build an image containing a Tomcat stack, and how to get a standard WAR deployed to it.


Deploying Spring Boot 12m 10s

It's even easier when deploying a Spring Boot container!


Publishing to DockerHub 6m 34s

To finish, we show how to upload to DockerHub


Coming Soon 3m 28s

This was just the basics....the next module will move to production grade Docker, featuring Networks, Integration with Maven and Jenkins, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm and Docker Stacks. A full microservice architecture awaits!

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