Angular Module 4: Connecting to a REST back end

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Angular Module 4: Connecting to a REST back end

Become a full-stack developer building front-ends with Angular

Approx. 3.5 hours

  • This is part 4 of 5 modules which cover building Angular front ends for Java applications.
  • Become a full-stack developer by learning how to build responsive and reactive front-ends with Angular.
  • In this fourth module, we'll connect to a back-end system using REST, learn how to deal with slow and unavailable connections and deal with issues such as CORS, pre-processing data and pre-fectching data.
Basic Java knowledge is assumed. No prior Javascript / Typescript knowledge is needed. You should complete the earlier modules of this course before starting this module.


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Setting up environments

Creating environment variables 7m 9s Watch
How environments work 2m 18s Watch
Creating our own environments 10m 49s Watch
Selecting an environment to serve 4m 29s Watch

Creating the REST API

Creating a rest method 7m 0s Watch
Testing rest methods 2m 54s Watch
Exercise 1 - creating rest methods 1m 30s Watch
Exercise 1 - solution walkthrough 7m 59s Watch
Adjusting the User object 8m 26s Watch

Connecting to a REST endpoint

Initiating the call to a rest endpoint 8m 46s Watch
Cross Original Resource Sharing (CORS) 4m 48s Watch
Configuring CORS in Spring 6m 14s Watch
Manipulating the REST return data type 7m 18s Watch
Pre-processing the REST return data 4m 58s Watch
Optional calling a rest endpoint exercise 1m 6s Watch
Pre-processing complex data 8m 9s Watch

Dealing with slow and unavailable connectons

Dealing with slow REST responses 4m 42s Watch
Catching REST errors 3m 21s Watch
Investigating REST errors 5m 20s Watch
Retrying when an error occurs 5m 36s Watch
Surviving a page refresh 3m 43s Watch
Exercise 2 - Dealing with slow and unavailble connections 0m 54s Watch
Exercise 2 - Solution walkthrough 2m 47s Watch

POSTing and PUTting data

Sending data via REST 10m 5s Watch
Customising data with Javascript objects 4m 53s Watch
Exercise 3 - Post and putting data 1m 41s Watch
Exercise 3 - Solution walkthrough 12m 23s Watch
Bug fixing 3m 18s Watch

DELETEing data and completing the case study

Implementing DELETE 5m 22s Watch
Completing the users component 7m 3s Watch
Exercise 4 - Implementing REST from Angular 1m 37s Watch
Exercise 4 - Solution walkthrough 12m 27s Watch
Getting a confirmation before deleting 2m 0s Watch

Pre-fecthing data

Setting up the edit booking functionality 6m 27s Watch
The concept of pre-fectching data 3m 40s Watch
Pre-fectching data with navigation and a service 14m 54s Watch
Using a resolver 11m 21s Watch
Module summary 0m 57s Watch
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