Errata for JavaEE

Here are all known errors or updates since the course was recorded.

  • Some users have reported problems installing Glassfish (especially on Vista). Please set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your JDK installation (or contact us if you are unsure how to do this).
  • If you decide to use the latest version of Glassfish instead of the 3.0 version supplied on the course, please note that gf-client.jar is now contained in the "lib" directory, and not "modules".
  • If using Glassfish 3.1, you may have problems viewing the webservice endpoint in the JAX-WS chapter. Please see the blog post here relating to separating EJBs and Webservices for information on how to fix this.
  • Another problem with Glassfish 3.1, after redeploying an application you may get a "EJBRollbackException". This is a Glassfish bug, see Richard Chesterwood's blog post here for more information.
  • Some users are experiencing problems with Glassfish after upgrading to Java 7. More details at the author's site here.
  • If you have problems with the PrimeFaces datatable, check the blog post here.
  • Primefaces have changed their namespace since the course was recorded, so if you are using a new version you need to update the namespace to be "".
  • For chapter 20: in Glassfish 3.1, there is are new links for "server-config" and "default-config" on the security configuration page. Please click the "server-config" item. More details can be found here.
  • In Glassfish 3.1, your security config file should be called glassfish-ejb-jar.xml.
  • You will see an INFO line on your client when running your application: "Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc driver will not be available by default". This is not an error, you can safely ignore this as your client app doesn't need to use a database (the server code is using the database).
  • In the latest version of Glassfish, the JSF jar file is now called javax.jsf.jar
  • Depending on your version of Java, you may get a security exception when running Derby. See our blog post here for details.